Last summer Michelle and I signed up for Bootcamp in Piedmont Park. In addition to exercising every day, the program encouraged us to eat right. We did this with little red diet logs, and at the top of each page there were boxes that we used to check off various food groups (did we have enough vegetables today, did we eat a couple servings of fruit, etc).
We've since lost the books, and even if we had extra copies they're not the coolest thing to carry around. Michelle thought it might make a good app for the iPhone and Touch, since most people carry those around all the time anyway.
So I spent some time and created an app called EatRight, a visual food log of the food groups you should eat every day. It's based on the USDA pyramid guidelines, and you can switch between male and female diet recommendations.
The app was approved for sale yesterday, so you can read more about it or get it at the App Store.