What We Do

Michelle and I loaded up the car Thursday after work and headed for Atlanta. We spun our old mix CD's from the 2000-2002 era, taking it easy as the road was dark and deer plentiful. We got in at 11:00 PM, a little too late for the Atlanta blogger meetup, which sounded cool.

The next day we drove up to Lenox mall so that Michelle could do some shopping that was postponed after my whole truck-stuck-in-the-mud incident. We had a good time, and she found a couple pairs of shoes and a nice skirt. I used the Starbuck's card my Tucson-based Grandparents sent me to try the new Chantico drink. It was pretty good, but mostly reminded me of a hot chocolate without much milk.

We stopped by La Fonda Latina for our usual Reuben Cubano sandwiches. I can't vouch for anything else off the menu as I always get these; it's really good.

Played my Brother, Mom, and Jim at Halo 2 sometime Sunday. I thought perhaps I was better than Marc, but he schooled. I think I managed to embarrass him a couple times with some amazing kills, though. Mom, at first hesitant to pick up a controller, became very good at killing the inanimate. No rock, gravel, or tree was safe. That night Michelle's mom learned to play a little, too.

We also watched Dodgeball, which I thought was pretty funny.

The ride home was sunny and bright, just the opposite of the conditions we had coming in.

Spent the last hour of daylight washing the car.

On the other side...Finally figured out I had to add the Universal repository to my /etc/apt/sources.list file to get xinelib and totem-xine. Now my movies work fine, and I'm still generally very pleased with Ubuntu.

Michelle's been putting a lot of work into her site, so check it out. She reversed the chronology, so scroll down for the new stuff.

Frou Frou's Let Go burns into my mind. Brian recommended it after watching Garden State. Why haven't I seen this movie!? Zach Braff has a cool blog on Garden State. It inspired me to listen to the Ewok song.

On the way to Atlanta we listened to You're the Only One but couldn't remember the name of the singer. Later, reading Fortune, Michelle starts to jokingly insist that Mena Trott (co-founder, SixApart) sings it. This makes me laugh. It did sound familiar though. ...so now I look it up; it's Maria Mena.