Shooter McGavin

Yesterday we went to Hurlburt to shoot a 9mm. I haven't shot a gun in years, and it was Michelle's first time. Things went pretty well, but it was hot as hell. The four of us were pretty much the only ones there, except for this instructor-type guy who I'll call Dirty Harry.

Michelle did really well. She was definitely more consistent throughout the practice session, whereas I became dangerous towards the end and began attacking other people's targets, stands, and general environs (not intentionally; I apparently move right after pulling the trigger).


We stopped by a bookstore at the outlets (which were packed with tourists) to pick up some $1 and $2 books. I found David Rees hilarious My New Filing Technique is Unstoppable.

Today we did some mowing, weeding, car vacuuming, cherry cleaning.

I've decided that octopuses are one of the scariest animals on the planet. I used to never really think so, but after Pirates of the Caribbean and videos like this I can't stand their long spidery, pillowy arms and giant bulbous sacs and suckers.