The Age of Armstrong

Could I pick a more gay title. This news is now old, but for personal purposes I'll blog it. Lance Armstrong won his 7th Tour de France in a row the other day. It was awesome.

I never followed road racing at all, not even when I was in France at Georgia Tech Lorraine in 2002. Metz was one of the starting points for one of the stages and quite a few people went to try and see something. Me? I was probably watching Friends on Michelle's laptop or planning our next adventure.

But being close to it then, physically, made it feel familiar to me that next summer in 2003. I followed it a little then as a way to recapture a bit of our summer in France. Then in 2004 I started work and followed it even more, hanging a copy of the newspaper with Lance holding up 6 fingers on my cube wall.

And then--dang how the years go--this summer rolls around and of course it's even more exciting.

And it's over.